Browsing: eric worre

It’s the age-old Network Marketing question – Should You Lead with the Product or the Opportunity?  Many Network Marketing Professionals don’t focus on customers, they focus on recruiting, whereas some focus on gaining customers and not recruiting. So which is better? I say both can work. In the end, both can create the same result. […]

To become successful in the Network Marketing Profession, you have to, well, get started! This often means you must have a willingness to do things before you are good at them and act like a leader before you feel like one. One of the best things you can do is put yourself in an uncomfortable […]

You can’t afford to mow your lawn? What does that even mean? I was mentored by a few different billionaires throughout my Network Marketing career. I sought out my first mentor and asked him, “How do I become successful? I want to make a million dollars a year!” My mentor said, “To make a million […]

One of the most challenging things about the Network Marketing Profession is getting people to join your organization, and then getting them to stay in your organization.  There are various reasons people leave your organization – maybe it didn’t meet their expectations, they underestimated the amount of work involved, they weren’t willing to face their […]

In the Network Marketing Profession, supercharging your learning can help you grow your business faster. The number one fastest way to learn is through activity. In other words, to learn by “doing.”  So what’s the second most powerful way to learn? By getting a coach. This is one of my secrets of success. What’s great […]

All Network Marketing Professionals face moments of doubt and insecurity. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The important thing is that you work to overcome these moments, and learn how to Turn Your Worst Day Into Your Best Day.  I want to share three of my own personal, private, profound moments. These moments had a […]

Have you ever heard the phrase, “What other people think of you is none of your business”? Do you agree? Or are you very worried about what other people think of you? I was a people pleaser for most of my life. Other people’s opinions used to be very important to me. So much so […]

So many Network Marketing Professionals don’t know what to do at the end of a presentation. They meet their prospect for coffee or send them a video, or ask them to attend a presentation, and then, they just don’t know what to do. It’s an awkward moment, and if it’s not handled correctly, you’ll never […]

If I was able to go back in time and give my younger self some advice, I would tell younger me, the people that you spend time with will have more positive, or negative impact on your life than you can possibly imagine. This is what my friend and mentor, author and entrepreneur Jim Rohn […]